01244 470860



Year 6 2023 - 2024

Miss Hammond

Miss Hammond


Teacher - Miss Hammond 
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Hill 

Welcome back to school Year 6! I hope that you are ready for your last term at St. Theresa's!  

We have a very busy summer term coming up, with lots of exciting learning and activities. 


RESIDENTIAL PHOTOS - see 'Files to Download' at the bottom of the webpage. 


SATs Week: Complete! 

Well done to all of Year 6. SATs week is now over and all children did very well. They were very mature and showed focus when working on each paper. 


I have been asked by some parents to make some recommendations for additional home learning activities and resources as well as some parent support for maths. 

Below are some links to different websites that the children can access. Some are for free and some will need a login as they are subscribed to by the school. I will add to this list in the coming weeks. Please also refer to the 'Y6 Recommended Reads' page on this webpage and the 'Files' documents where I will upload supportive resources. 




Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com) 

Log In to EducationCity

Primary Maths Assessments Online - Instant Marking and Gap Analysis



Start and Finish Times

Drop off 8.50am – Pick up 3.15pm. Please use the Church car park gates. Permission is needed if children are going to walk home alone. 


Spellings will be given out on a Wednesday for a test the following Wednesday. 


Homework will be sent out every Friday. This homework is due back the following Wednesday. There will be a piece of English homework and a Maths homework each week. The children also have logins for TT Rockstars and Education City. These logins can be found in their homework booklets. 

The children have access to a wide selection of books and should always have a book from school to read.


**Children will need to make sure that their PE kits are in school ready for PE on a Wednesday and Thursday. 

Wednesday is outdoor PE with Mrs Vine and Thursday is a cricket session. Please make sure you have the appropriate kit for each day. 



Please do bring a water bottle for your table every day.


Please get in touch if you have any questions. 

Miss Hammond 

Mrs Hill

Files to Download

Year 6: News items

There are no News items to display

Year 6: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Year 6: Gallery items

Year 6 Production, by Miss Hammond

Year 6: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display

‘Fully valuing everyone
in the love of Jesus.
Caring and Learning together.’

Contact Us

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Kipling RoadBlacon, Chester CH1 5UU

Main Contact | Mrs Lisa Holland

01244 470860
